Tag: Kaia Celine

Siren in the Sun

It dawned on me I only posted individuals and not the whole photo set like I’d thought. It’s the same river and photographer, just a few years back. Earrings by Dinityom Designs // Septum by Maya Jewelry Bracelet by Zenomi(Unavailable) // Headpiece by Kerli(Unavailable Pledge Box) © 2020

Water Birth “I Turned Thirty”

People like to hype up turning milestone ages and I must say this is one my favorite photos I’ve ever taken! Photographed By ZimWicked Floral Headpiece & Bracelet Childhood // Earrings & Ring Lost At Sea Pearls // Septum Tether // Necklace The Crystal Fox // Bodice by Agnieszka Osipa // Burned Velvet Skirt BlackMilk